ORGANIC WRITING SHOWCASE. Showcase with 20 ECOlogic ball pens

2 in 1 Showcase that includes 20 ECOlogic ballpoint pens. In addition to its main function, this case can be transformed into a display case, allowing you to exhibit these products at events. Includes ballpoints in bamboo, wheat straw fiber, cork, wood, rPET and kraft paper, all customised with different printing techniques and creative styles. This is the right showcase to reinforce a responsible attitude and a commitment to sustainability. The case has built-in magnets so it can be used together with the Colour Writing Showcase and the Signature Writing Showcase, representing a complete offer of the ballpoint pens

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Delivery in:
1 - 3 Days0
7 - 14 Days0
14 - 21 Days89
2 in 1 Showcase that includes 20 ECOlogic ballpoint pens. In addition to its main function, this case can be transformed into a display case, allowing you to exhibit these products at events. Includes ballpoints in bamboo, wheat straw fiber, cork, wood, rPET and kraft paper, all customised with different printing techniques and creative styles. This is the right showcase to reinforce a responsible attitude and a commitment to sustainability. The case has built-in magnets so it can be used together with the Colour Writing Showcase and the Signature Writing Showcase, representing a complete offer of the ballpoint pens. 250 x 348.6 x 23 mm

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